
dating & sex: the theory of mutual self-destruction


The doctrine of mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a fitting analogy and guide for dating and sex, and the types of bonds that we form from these interpersonal relationships. Why some couples stayed together (or why some bonds last) and why others ultimately split up (and why some bonds crash), often speaks to self-preservation. People in relationships — serious or casual — stay in or leave those relationships based on what Amir Said calls the theory of mutual self-destruction (TMSD). TMSD is a bit tongue in cheek, but as an umbrella term it does serve as pathway to help shed light on the nature of some dating and sexual relationships.

As a theory, TMSD can be applied to a variety of couples, including exclusive, serious relationships, serious open relationships (ethical monogamy), casual dating, dominant/submissive relationships, friends with benefits, and sex buddies, etc. To explore TMSD’s effect on relationships, Said created the book series Dating & Sex: The Theory of Mutual Self-Destruction. This anthology includes a number of different writers from all walks a life, from around the world. Each piece is direct, honest, in-depth, and insightful.

We’re currently accepting submissions. Pitches or previously written (published or not) are both good.

• $200 a piece for previously published pieces.
• $200 *starting flat rate for previously unpublished pieces (minimum 1,200 words min/maximum 2,500 words).
•1 free hard copy of the book

To submit, email Said at: Please include “Dating & Sex: Theory of Mutual Self-Destruction in the subject. If you have a finished, unpublished please, please submit via Word doc, NOT Google doc. Thank you!

Who are we looking for?

We’re looking for writers who are comfortable detailing the realities (good and bad) of their interpersonal relationships, their dating experiences, and their sexual experiences, and how these bonds function in their lives Writers who specialize in dating and sex, as well as sex workers who write or would like to write about their dating life, are certainly welcomed, but submissions are open to anyone who relates to this topic or finds it interesting.

what are we looking for?

While the theme of the book is basically about the agreements — direct/indirect, spoken/unspoken — and the decisions that couples make to avoid self-destruction, stories that detail self-destructive dating and sexual habits are also welcomed. When considering if your piece or pitch is a good fit, think about the “theory of mutual self-destruction” in the sense that 1) People often stay together after they’re assured that they stand to lose more than they stand to gain if they breakup; and 2) People often split up after they’re assured that they stand gain more than they stand to lose if they leave the relationship. Also, consider how people are drawn to self-destructive habits in relationships with partners who aren’t good for them, and how they navigate these relationships.

Finally, without narrowing the field of possibilities, here are some story ideas perfect for the book...

➡️ Stories about messy relationships? Kink? Casual sex? Long-distance romance? Rules of your relationship?

➡️ Stories about sugar babies, sugar mamas, or sugar daddies.

➡️ Stories by women gamers (video gamers) who are/have been in relationships with fellow gamers.

➡️ Stories where the sex came *before the actual dating and long-term relationship. Ergo, sex on the first night, then it blossomed.

➡️ Stories about how kink saved or destroyed the relationship.

➡️ Stories about sex with the lights on or sex in the dark — How you or your partner MUST have it one way or the other and I you negotiate this (or don’t).

➡️ Stories about “friend zone” crossings and their aftermaths.

➡️ Stories about committed relationships and how you were able to make it work... despite not enough sex OR too much sex.

➡️ Stories about casual sex that stayed casual — even though real feelings were involved.

➡️ Stories about dating and relationships that were self-destructive but addictive 

➡️ Stories about long-distance relationships that only worked *because they were long distance.

To submit, email Said at: Please include “Dating & Sex: Theory of Mutual Self-Destruction in the subject. If you have a finished, unpublished please, please submit via Word doc, NOT Google doc. Thank you!